
23 New/Hard Things in 2023

Instead of writing a list of goals like I do most years, I decided to make a list of 23 new/ hard things to accomplish! It’s very similar to a goals list but it also pushes me out of my comfort zone which I normally wouldn’t write on a goals list. 2023 finally feels like we will be getting back to “normal” especially with travel so I can’t wait to see where the year takes me! I will update this post as I accomplish some of these tasks.

#1: Complete Orange Theory dri-tri twice

#2: Complete at least one dry-tri under an hour ✓

#3: Run a 5k in under 30 min 

#4: Run the Peachtree Road Race in under an hour and 10 min

#5: Go to therapy

#6: Learn how to properly clean/do nails myself 

#7: Watch 23 classic movies I’ve never seen 

#8: Make veggies the star of my meal 3x a week

#9: Reach out to 23 brands/tourism boards for my blog

#10: Write 15 new blog posts

#11: Try 23 new restaurants in Atlanta

#12: Make 23 new cuisines at home

#13: Join a new tennis team

#14: Present at my school or at a conference ✓

#15: Go on two date nights a month (one at home & one outside the home)

#16: Read 45 new books

#17: Visit 3 or more new countries ✓

#18: Visit 3 or more new states

#19: *Super Personal Thing*

#20: Give blood

#21: Visit 3 new national parks

#22: Go on 1 or more backpacking trips

#23: Take a travel photography course 

I got this inspiration from a girl on Tik Tok. Feel free to steal/tweak/make your own and happy new year!

January Update:

#3: I ran a 5k but I’ll be honest, it was an disaster. I learned my lesson to never run a 5k with my dog especially if the race is full of dogs.

#8: I made vegetables the star of many of my meals. I tried things like avocado tacos, black bean burgers, sweet potato hashes, and taco salads.

#10: I wrote 3 new blog posts in January and I have two on the way for February!

#11: I had take out for dinner from A Mano this month. I loved it and want to go to the physical location as well! I also tried Bomb Biscuit on a Sunday morning. It was a classic breakfast spot but I don’t think it beats out my other go-to spots.

#12: I made Moroccan and Indian cuisine at home. I made a Moroccan soup that I didn’t love but glad I tried it. I made butter chicken and it was simple, easy and delicious.

#15: Our out of the house date night was a Puttshack in West Midtown. Our in the house date night is planned for next week with a surf and turf cooked meal and watching of a classic movie!

#16: So far I’ve read 3 new books. I read The Silent Woods, Mad Honey and Mary Jane.

#19: I did this three times this month!

February Updates:

#7: I watched the movie Casablanca. It was totally not what I expected but granted I didn’t do any research before hand. It was funny to see the CGI equivalent they had to work with in the past with the film industry.

#8: I’ll be honest, I fell off the wagon this month with making my meals veggie focused. Here’s to doing more in March!

#10: This month I wrote two new blog posts and I full re-vamped an old one, so that counts toward this goal right?

#11: I tried so many new places in Atlanta this month! I went to Ranger Station for drinks with a friend. I then tried La Semilla for dinner with another friend. Then, for a belated birthday dinner we snagged a reservation at Lucian Books & Wine.

#12: I’ll be honest, with two weekends of travel in February, I didn’t do much cooking at home. I didn’t make any new cuisines, so heres to making some in March!

#14: I didn’t realize at the time, but a requirement of my school if they pay for professional development is for you to come back and share what you have learned with the staff. I went to an amazing workshop in early February and I presented to my whole faculty about it a few weeks after. Since I didn’t realize it was happening so quickly, I didn’t get very nervous about it and I received great feedback about my presentation.

#16: As I am writing this today we are headed to the aquarium! We bought the Georgia Resident Pass so we can go as many times as we want this year for the price of one ticket!

#19: I only did this once this month.

March Update:

#1: I completed one of my two dri tri’s at Orange Theory this month.

#2: I completed my first try in 58 minutes which beats my goal! Now to see if I can do it in 55 minutes the next time!

#7: I watched singing in the rain this month to prepare for my schools musical. It was exactly like it was in the movie too!

#8: Unfortunately,I did not prioritize veggies this month a lot! Here’s to doing it more in April!

#11: I tried Local Three in Buckhead this month as one of my new restaurants!

#12: I did not make any new cuisines at home this month due to traveling most of it.

#15: Our two date nights this month were a make sushi at home and going to a tasting menu experience.

#16: In March I read 4 book making my total 11 books thus far for the year.

#17: I accomplished this goal by visiting 3 new countries this month on spring break. I visited Hungary, Slovakia, and Czech Republic.

#19: This activity I did 5 times this month.

April Update:

#7: I started watching Gerry McGuire and as I type this I realized I have 30 minutes left and I need to go finish it.

#8: I really didn’t focus a ton of vegetables this month, but I have been making a lot of salads for lunches!

#10: I re-vamped my St. Simons post and started two new blog posts that will be posted this month!

#11: There were tons of new restaurants in April. I tried Char in Inman Park, Vino Techa in Inman Park, Vin ATL in Edgewood, Miller Union on the westside, and Forza Storico on the westside.

#15: Two date nights this month weren’t as prioritized I would say. We tried to do a date night at home but it failed but hey we’ll make up for it!

#16: I read three books this month: Summerland, Remarkably Bright Creatures and Rock Paper Scissors.

#19: I only did this once this past month.

May Update:

#8: I made a lot of salads and did try to incorporate veggies into more of my meals. I’m not sure if it was 3x a week but it was definitely more than April.

#9: I reached out two tourism boards, Visit Chattanooga and Visit Tennessee for an upcoming trip at the end of June.

#10: I wrote three new blog posts in the month of May.

#11: In May I tried four new restaurants: Pero’s Pizza and Pasta , Bacahannalia, Kimball House , and Corner Cafe.

#15: We unfortunately did not prioritize date nights in May but we’re making a better effort in June!

#16: I read three books in the month of May: Moloka’i, Wrong Place Wrong Time and Happy Place.

#19: I completed this goal this month.

June Update:

#5: I went to my first therapy appointment. I took me a long time to find someone that takes my insurance and I felt comfortable with but so far it is paying off.

#9: I reached out to Visit Omaha, Visit Nebraska, Catch DeMoines, Ottuff Manor, Travel Iowa, and Moraine Lake Bus Company. Only 1 of those tourism boards got back to me and it was a no. Although, I am now an affiliate with Moraine Lake Bus Company!

#10: I posted two new blog posts (6 Day Shenandoah & Charlottesville Trip for $1200 and Atlanta Restaurant Guide: Special Occassion Dinner Spots) as well as updating two blog posts (Atlanta Restaurant Guide: Breakfast & Brunch Spots and Banff on a Budget)

#11: I went to 4 new Atlanta restaurants in June: Bastone, A Mano (in person), General Muir, and Melt Kitchen.

#12: I made Nauru coconut crusted fish as a new cuisine this month.

#15: We went to AMano for our out of the house date night this month.

#16: I read Black Cake, November 9, Drowning, and Two Truths and A Lie.

#19: I did this 3 times this month.

July Update:

#4: I ran the Peachtree road race but I did not complete it with my goal time.

#9: I was contacted by Hollymead House to come visit their property and work with them in August. I also reached out to Visit Charlottesville and Visit Virginia. Unfortunately, I did not hear back from either of them.

#10: I posted my North Chattanooga Hideaway Stay post in the month of July.

#11: I visited two new Atlanta restaurants in the month of July: Melt in Old Fourth Ward and Canoe in Vinnings.

#12: I made a Thai dish in the month of July for my book club.

#16: In the month of July I read 7 new books you can see at my book post here.

#18: I visited 5 new states in the month of July on my road trip: Kansas, North Dakota, Montana, Nebraska, and Iowa. I have now visited 47 states! Only 3 left!

#19: I think I accomplished this goal, I truly can’t remember.

#21: I visited two new national parks: Glacier National Park and Grand Tetons National Park.

August Update:

#9: I reached out to Hark Vineyards, Athena Hotel, Hotel L’Antico Pozzo, B & B Palazzo al Torrione and Hotel Bel Soggiorno. Hark Vineyards responded and it was a no, and I didn’t hear back from any of the other ones.

#10: I published one new blog post in August, 5 Day Fall Trip to Maine for $2500.

#11: I tried Wylie and Rum in Reynoldstown, Bone Garden on the West Side, The Salty at Krog (although they have multiple locations)

#12: I made the Pakistani dish this month.

#16: I read 2 books in the month of August: Dark Matter and Solito.

September Update:

#1: Sadly I had to miss the second orange theory dri-tri due to it being during a weekend we were out of town for a wedding.

#7: I watched Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, which I don’t know if its a classic move per say but it’s counting for me.

#11: I visited Yay Beignet as a new restaurant this month.

#12: I read 1 new book in the month of September, Stone Cold Fox.

#13: I reached out and found a new ALTA team that started this month.

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